WAKE UP DUDES! Female Fart Jokes Are Hilarious.

I hope this trend of guys getting annoyed at girls for farting dosen’t last for too long, other wise I would wager a lot of dudes will be left alone this Christmas. Most men I have spoke too regarding this subject are very turned off by it and even downright cruel to their spouses about it. I know a guy who threatened to leave his wife and children if she ever broke wind in front of him. Clearly these guys are deaf when they’re sleeping because we all fart in our sleep.

What is wrong with you MEN? We fart just as much as woman, in fact I farted like sixty two times while writing this, in a rapid succession, like an AK47. I am a firm believer in the girl fart philosophy, which I just created and may or may not write a novel about but yeah, I’m a believer. If you as a husband or boyfriend or partner feel like you are violated by your girls perfectly natural bodily functions then I would hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are probably retarded and also a basic bitch.

I get it, farts smell bad and nobody likes a bad smell but I have always sort of felt like this about love. If you love it, you want to be apart of everything that comes with it. You have sex with your girl and do some pretty revolting things, but if she cuts loose just once the relationship is over? Really? Get real you anal smitting moreons.

Your girl is guilty if she farts I do believe that. She is guilty of being a person, the same thing you are guilty of, asshat.


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